"href"=’https://plus.google.com/101651909899715878453?rel=author’>+Anthony Davis

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Tips for Delegating with Success

Tips for Delegating with Success

Save yourself time and develop the skills of your team!

This blog has a new home. Click the Delegate with Success link to read more.

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Want more information ...

If you have been enjoying our Blog posts, please Like Us on Facebook, to keep up to date with all the Brightwater news and happenings, along with many useful Business tips and information!!

Written by Anthony Davis

Monday, 3 December 2012

Marketing Strategies

 Twelve  marketing strategies on which to focus your attention:
  1. Identify the people and businesses who best suit your product or service offerings;
  2. Determine how you can gain their attention and be noticed;
  3. Create ways to stay front-of-mind with them;
  4. Be different to those competing for attention from those same people and businesses;
  5. Know your numbers for your existing and new clients over the last 12 months;
  6. Set your sales targets for the coming 12 months;
  7. Set your sales targets for repeat business in the next 12 months;
  8. Set your sales targets for new business in the next 12 months;
  9. Know your minimum acceptable sales revenue amount for the next 12 months;
  10. Establish your marketing activities to achieve these targets;
  11. Establish your expense budget for these marketing activities;
  12. Now, develop the “buzz” and excitement about your products and services for your clients.

Written by Anthony Davis