"href"=’https://plus.google.com/101651909899715878453?rel=author’>+Anthony Davis

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Small Business Model

Small Business Model

This blog has a new home. Click the link to learn more about the Small Business Model.

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Personal Development Plan

Personal Development Plan ...

5 Ways to Fulfil your Potential

This blog has a new home. Click the link to learn more about your Personal Development Plan.

Thursday, 8 December 2011

4 Keys to Marketing Success

4 Keys to Marketing Success

Marketing made easy using I, A, G & K!

This blog post has a new home. Click the link for more information on the 4 Keys to Marketing Success.

Monday, 5 December 2011

Selling Services

Selling Services

This blog has a new home. Click on the link to learn more about Selling Services.

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Partnership Agreements ... the essential Rules of Engagement

Partnership Agreements ...

The essential Rules of Engagement!

This blog has a new home. Please click the link to read all about Partnership Agreements.

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Path to Business Partnership ... the key steps!

Path to Business Partnership ...

The Key Steps!

This blog has a new home. Click the link to learn more about the Path to Business Partnership.

Friday, 4 November 2011

Weekly Minute 42 - Customer Life Cycle

This analysis tool creates a 'customer focused' approach for the initial round of Systems Documentation (Minutes 11, 12, 13).
When you think about your Customer Life Cycle, start with how you find your Customers or how they find you.  Then consider what you do to make them a Client; how you treat them and how you deliver your Product and Service to them.  Document the way your Business acts right through to the end of your transaction with them and then back again.

You make decisions about when certain documents are presented to them, when they are informed of your Credit Policy (Minute 35) and what records will be kept.

Start by creating a numbered or bullet-pointed list.  Make certain headings (as appropriate for your business) and then add the details within each heading.  Start with a 'draft' and have your team review the parts that affect them until you have the process fully documented.

You will find, over time, that this list does not cover all of the areas of your business that you need to document, however, it creates a great starting point.

If you would like to see a part of Brightwater's 'Client for Life Cycle' email 'Minute 42' to bizplan@brightwater.com.au.

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Induction Checklist

Induction Checklist

This blog has a new home. Click on the link to read more about Induction Checklists.

Thursday, 27 October 2011

Business Planning ... what goes into a business plan!

Business Planning

This blog has a new home. Click the link to learn more about Business Planning ... and what goes into a Business Plan.



This blog has a new home. Click the link to learn more about Wills.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Personal Guarantees

Personal Guarantee

This blog post has a new home. Click the link for more information on Personal Guarantees.

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Job Description

Job Description ... Role Description

This blog has a new home. Click here to find out more about Job Descriptions.

Debt Collection

Debt Collection

This blog has a new home. Click on the link to read more about Debt Collection.

Monday, 1 August 2011

Credit Policy

Credit Policy - 

Getting Paid ... on Your Terms!

This blog has a new home. Click on the link to read more about Credit Policy.

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Assets ... the 'stock' of your business

Assets ...

The 'stock' of you business

This blog has a new home. Click the link to read more about Assets.

Wednesday, 13 July 2011



This blog has a new home. Click on the link to read more about Budgeting.

Saturday, 9 July 2011

Operational Plan

Operational Plan

This blog has a new home. Click on the link to read more about your Operational Plan.

Thursday, 30 June 2011

Brisbane Tree Experts

Rob  and Glenn from Brisbane Tree Experts are great friends of the Brightwater Team and we were thrilled to hear them say that they had such fantastic outcomes from their experiences doing the Brightwater program.

Rob was kind enough to offer us a testimonial and below is a transcript of the audio that he sent through.  We hope that you find it as inspiring as we did with Rob saying that the Brightwater Program is "The best thing we've ever done". 

Please scroll down to read Rob's full testimonial.

Good morning, this is Rob Walton from Brisbane Tree Experts.   I’d like to say a few things on behalf of Brightwater.

In the very beginning, I guess I looked at this as something that was not going to work for us ... having been in this business now for thirty years.   Glenn and I both went along to Brightwater and I sat there for the first couple of meetings thinking that this is not going to happen!

Two years down the track, I have to say, it’s the best thing we’ve ever done.

For small businesses today, I believe that this is something they should take on and do.  It is very beneficial for the growth of a small business and if people are really serious about that then this is what they need to do. 

I found Anthony and the staff very easy to talk to. They came down to a level that I can understand. 

Between me and Glenn, Glenn is a younger person, obviously being my son, and he has a different way of looking at things. When he said this to me, for us to go and do together, it was certainly worthwhile.

So I can only recommend this company highly, and yes, something every business should do to make their businesses bigger. 

Thank you ... Rob Walton

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Changing Habits

Changing Habits ...

The Carrot & the Stick!

This blog has a new home. Click the link to read more about Changing Habits.



This blog has a new home. Click on the link to read more about Values.

Sunday, 26 June 2011

What do you think of the Brightwater Weekly Minute?

We recently asked friends and clients of Brightwater to let us know what they thought of our Weekly Minute and as you can read for yourself below, it has been very uplifting to receive such positive and powerful feedback. Feel free to let us know your thoughts on the Minutes as well!

Customer Relationship Management

Customer Relationship Management

This blog has a new home. Click on the link to read more about your Customer Relationship Management.

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Weekly Minute 28 - Letterbox Drops

If you are considering adding letterbox drops to your marketing plan, consider these points:

  • The market you are targeting;
  • The material you will use;
  • The areas you distribute;
  • Your planned frequency.
Minute 14 covered Customer Profile.  By understanding your Ideal Customer's motivators, you will design material that appeals to more ideal customers.

In designing your 'deliverable' remember that mountains of 'junk mail' gets delivered every day, so make your stand out.  Always use the HGOCW (Minute 27).  Every sheet of paper has two sides, so use both to enhance your communications ... more explanation or testimonials!  If you have nothing extra to 'say', sell it to a 'complementary' neighbour.

In Minute 14 you identified your customer Geographics.  There are potential ideal customers living right alongside your existing ideal customers.  This process is called Demographic Mapping.  You can do it yourself or engage professionals.

A one-time only letterbox drop does not constitute a marketing plan.  You should plan to do it at least every 90 days to the same homes ... more frequently will improve your strike rate.

Finally, measure the performance of each activity (Minute 17).

If you would like a copy of the past Minutes referred to in this Minute, please email bizplan@brightwater.com.au with 'Minute 28' in the subject line, or simply contact the office on 1800 242 366.

Friday, 10 June 2011

Effective Communication

Effective Communication

This blog page has a new home.  Please click on the link to read more about Effective Communication.

Friday, 27 May 2011

Customer Analysis

Customer Analysis

This blog page has a new home.  Please click on the link to read more about Customer Analysis.

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Duty of Care

Duty of Care

This blog post has a new home. Click on the link to read more about your Duty of Care.

Friday, 6 May 2011

Anthony Davis - Recognised for Service and Dedication to the Community of Brisbane!

A big CONGRATULATIONS! to our generous of spirit MD; Anthony Davis who has received an award from Rotary International  in recognition of ...

'Outstanding Service and Dedication to the Community of Brisbane''.

Anthony stands proudly with fellow recipient and good friend Mel of Melinda's Gluten-Free Goodies who won the award for ... 'leading the way in improving the quality and range of gluten free products and establishing a forum to discuss and help others'.

Well done Mel and Anthony! We are proud of you both!

Business Name - What's in it?

Business Name - What's in it?

This blog has a new home. Click on the link to read more about Business Name -What's in it?

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Discovery Workshop Sydney

Anthony is heading back to Sydney!

Anthony will be heading down to Sydney next week to conduct a Discovery Workshop.

A Brightwater Discovery Workshop is an opportunity for you to learn how to take an objective look at where your business is today and start making the changes that will result in greater Wealth, Freedom and Excitement.

Invest 3 hours working 'ON' your Business, not 'IN' it!

DWS Workshop Sydney
Tuesday May 03, 2011
HPM Legrand
3rd floor, Unit 99,
79-99 St. Hillier Road AUBURN NSW 2144

Special invitation , only $150.00 for 2 people.

(Normally $295.00 per person)

Please email Michelle or Remy (michelleh@brightwater.com.au, remyd@brightwater.com.au) for more information on our Discovery Workshops


Thursday, 21 April 2011

Business Presentation

Business Presentation ...

Viewed through your 'Customer Eyes'

This blog post has a new home. Click on the link to read more about Business Presentation.

Friday, 15 April 2011

Business Goals

Business Goals

This blog post has a new home. Click on the link to read more about Business Goals.

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Succession Planning

Succession Planning

This blog post has a new home. Click on the link to read more about Succession Planning

Thursday, 31 March 2011

Business Knowledge

Business Knowledge ...

How teachable are you?

This blog post has a new home. Click on the link to read more about Business Knowledge.

Friday, 25 March 2011

USP - What is it?

USP - What is it?

This blog post has a new home. Click on the link to read more about USP.

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Code of Conduct


This blog post has a new home. Click on the link to read more about Code of Conduct.

Marketing Strategies

Marketing Strategies

This blog post has a new home. Click on the link to read more about Marketing Strategies.

Saturday, 5 March 2011

Marketing Plan

This blog post has a new home. Click on the link to read more about your Marketing Plan.

Friday, 25 February 2011

Your Weekly Action Minute - FTE's


This blog post has a new home. Click on the link to read more about FTE ... Full Time Equivalents.

Friday, 18 February 2011

First Roadshow for 2011 - Central Coast Queensland!

The boys are heading off on their first roadtrip of 2011!

The Central Coast of Queensland is the destination for Anthony, and Alan in the first week of March. They have a busy schedule roaming up the coast but are always up for a chat and a beer along the way.

Anthony and Alan will be holding one of our famous Brightwater Discovery Workshops* in Bundaberg;

Thursday March 3, 2011
- Bundaberg - venue TBA
- AM Discovery Workshop - 7:30am - 10:30am
- PM Discovery Workshop - 5:00pm - 8:00pm

Feel free to email us if you want to come along.

*Discovery Workshop
A Brightwater Discovery Workshop will allow you to take an 'objective look' at where your business is today and start making the changes that will result in greater Wealth, Freedom and Excitement.

Please email Michelle for more information on our Discovery Workshops.