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Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Weekly Minute 28 - Letterbox Drops

If you are considering adding letterbox drops to your marketing plan, consider these points:

  • The market you are targeting;
  • The material you will use;
  • The areas you distribute;
  • Your planned frequency.
Minute 14 covered Customer Profile.  By understanding your Ideal Customer's motivators, you will design material that appeals to more ideal customers.

In designing your 'deliverable' remember that mountains of 'junk mail' gets delivered every day, so make your stand out.  Always use the HGOCW (Minute 27).  Every sheet of paper has two sides, so use both to enhance your communications ... more explanation or testimonials!  If you have nothing extra to 'say', sell it to a 'complementary' neighbour.

In Minute 14 you identified your customer Geographics.  There are potential ideal customers living right alongside your existing ideal customers.  This process is called Demographic Mapping.  You can do it yourself or engage professionals.

A one-time only letterbox drop does not constitute a marketing plan.  You should plan to do it at least every 90 days to the same homes ... more frequently will improve your strike rate.

Finally, measure the performance of each activity (Minute 17).

If you would like a copy of the past Minutes referred to in this Minute, please email bizplan@brightwater.com.au with 'Minute 28' in the subject line, or simply contact the office on 1800 242 366.

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