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Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Make Luck Happen

"Diligence is the mother of good luck." Benjamin Franklin (1706–1790)

Oxford Dictionary: noun: A chance considered as a force that causes good or bad things to happen; something regarded as bringing about or portending good or bad things.

Sam Parker: noun: a force that makes things happen.

If you want more luck you need to be the force that makes it happen ... for  you:

  1. Prepare. Work hard to be ready for the opportunities that are important to you. Research. Practice. Perfect.
  2. Be awake. Pay attention to the people, events, and things around you. Evaluate logically and trust your gut instinct.
  3. Take action. Put yourself out there. Explore. Be vulnerable. Make contact with people. Take risks.
  4. Expect positive results. Optimism improves your chances. If you fail, embrace the lesson and continue on, smarter.

Now go be lucky and make something good happen for you and those around you.

Watch this 1 minute video http://blog.givemore.com/nike-waking-us-up/  Use it as a great weekly boost and reminder of what it takes to make good things happen (hint: it's work).

Notated original from Sam Parker of GiveMore.com

If you would like more information on Luck in Business, please send an email to bizplan@brightwater.com.au with 'Luck in Business' in the subject line.

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