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Monday, 22 October 2012

Huddles for a Motivated Team

All great Teams “Huddle” before their game. It sets the tone, checks-in with each other’s energy levels, and makes sure everyone knows what needs to happen for the game to be successful. 

 Could your team benefit from a daily Huddle? Here is an example. You prepare an agenda like this one:

1An inspirational quote or short story.  Raises the tone and makes everyone realize why they are here and what they do.

2. Affirmations.  A short statement that starts with “I am….”
“I am fired up and ready to go.”
“I am here to serve.”

3. Goal for the day.  Everybody has one ... positively stated.
“My goal is to connect with everyone who comes in today.”
“My goal is to tidy my desk.”

4. Review the appointment book.  Look over the day.
Who is coming in & any specific attention?

5. Today I am going to …
“Today, I am going to move 10% faster.” 

Make sure your Huddles are structured, regular, short, uplifting and get everyone on the same page, to raise their endorphins and create a massive amount of synergy.

If you already "huddle" at your business, please tell us how you do it.

Written by Anthony Davis

Thursday, 11 October 2012

How You Can Be Lucky In Business

How would you explain or describe 'chance' or 'luck' in Business?  Often you hear stories of people who got a 'chance in a million' or the actor who got a 'lucky break' ... 

As you sit reading this weekly business boost, literally thousands of opportunities are passing you by, most of which, you are blissfully unaware.  So is 'luck' being in the right place at the right time?  

It is your PREPARATION (business planning) that positions your business to be in the 'right place' at the right time.  With the correct amount of preparation (planning) you will be perfectly positioned to take advantage of the appropriate OPPORTUNITIES as they present themselves.  

It is when your Preparation reveals the appropriate Opportunities for you, of which you can take advantage, that others will say that you were 'lucky'! 
Consider also that it is your Preparation, your openness to opportunities and your willingness to see them for what they are, that will have you making your own ‘luck’.  

To prepare you for all the luck you could ever want, read some of the Miracle Stories atwww.expectamiracle.com
Additionally, your preparation could include this 15-minute webinar that will assist you to banish overwhelm  at http://banishoverwhelmforever.com.au/anthony/

Written by Anthony Davis

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Leadership Mindset

Do You Have a Leadership Mindset?
According to Eric Harvey and Steve Ventura authors of the book, “The 10 Commandments of Leadership”, these are the 10 points crucial in developing a Leadership Mindset: 

1. Make What Matters Really Matter
Hold everyone accountable for bringing your Mission to life.
2. Practice What You Preach
Be a role model for honesty, integrity, and walking the walk.
3. Communicate with Care and Conviction
Share what you know. Be considerate, confident and listen respectfully.
4. Create the Involvement You Seek
Provide meaningful opportunities for all to participate.
5. Do Right by Those Who Do Right
Acknowledge all who meet or exceed the established expectations.
6. Provide What They Need to Succeed
Ensure team members have the tools, training, and support necessary to do their best work.
7. Confront Challenges with Courage
Face difficult situations directly. Do what you know needs to be done.
8. Let Differences Become Your Direction
Appreciate the uniqueness of team members who move beyond the status quo.
9. Strive to Serve Others
Use your knowledge and skills for the betterment of all.  Ultimate leverage is through others.
10. Go Forth and Prosper
Build a lasting legacy. Accept that your ultimate purpose is to help everyone become successful.

Written by Anthony Davis

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Performance Appraisals - Feared or Fabulous

Performance Appraisals are designed to reinforce the desired Corporate Culture of your organisation.  They are all about getting people ‘up to speed’.  They are the systematic evaluation of the performance of employees, to understand the abilities of that person for further growth and development. 

If Performance Appraisals have such fabulous benefits, why then are they feared by Employer and Employee alike? 

Performance Appraisals can be done with the following objectives in mind. To:
  • Identify the strengths and weaknesses of employees to place the right person on the right job;
  • Maintain and assess the potential of a person for further growth and development;
  • Provide feedback to employees regarding their performance and related status;
  • Serve as a basis for influencing working habits of employees.
Performance Appraisals should be completed twice a year.  Select two months that are normally quieter in your business.  Often we find January/February and then July/August as the best but that depends on your industry and the way your business operates.  New employees should be appraised regularly during their probation period … getting them up to speed! 

Written by Anthony Davis