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Thursday, 11 October 2012

How You Can Be Lucky In Business

How would you explain or describe 'chance' or 'luck' in Business?  Often you hear stories of people who got a 'chance in a million' or the actor who got a 'lucky break' ... 

As you sit reading this weekly business boost, literally thousands of opportunities are passing you by, most of which, you are blissfully unaware.  So is 'luck' being in the right place at the right time?  

It is your PREPARATION (business planning) that positions your business to be in the 'right place' at the right time.  With the correct amount of preparation (planning) you will be perfectly positioned to take advantage of the appropriate OPPORTUNITIES as they present themselves.  

It is when your Preparation reveals the appropriate Opportunities for you, of which you can take advantage, that others will say that you were 'lucky'! 
Consider also that it is your Preparation, your openness to opportunities and your willingness to see them for what they are, that will have you making your own ‘luck’.  

To prepare you for all the luck you could ever want, read some of the Miracle Stories atwww.expectamiracle.com
Additionally, your preparation could include this 15-minute webinar that will assist you to banish overwhelm  at http://banishoverwhelmforever.com.au/anthony/

Written by Anthony Davis

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