"href"=’https://plus.google.com/101651909899715878453?rel=author’>+Anthony Davis

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Discovery Workshop Sydney

Anthony is heading back to Sydney!

Anthony will be heading down to Sydney next week to conduct a Discovery Workshop.

A Brightwater Discovery Workshop is an opportunity for you to learn how to take an objective look at where your business is today and start making the changes that will result in greater Wealth, Freedom and Excitement.

Invest 3 hours working 'ON' your Business, not 'IN' it!

DWS Workshop Sydney
Tuesday May 03, 2011
HPM Legrand
3rd floor, Unit 99,
79-99 St. Hillier Road AUBURN NSW 2144

Special invitation , only $150.00 for 2 people.

(Normally $295.00 per person)

Please email Michelle or Remy (michelleh@brightwater.com.au, remyd@brightwater.com.au) for more information on our Discovery Workshops


Thursday, 21 April 2011

Business Presentation

Business Presentation ...

Viewed through your 'Customer Eyes'

This blog post has a new home. Click on the link to read more about Business Presentation.

Friday, 15 April 2011

Business Goals

Business Goals

This blog post has a new home. Click on the link to read more about Business Goals.

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Succession Planning

Succession Planning

This blog post has a new home. Click on the link to read more about Succession Planning