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Monday 1 July 2013

Day Planning!

Day Planning!

How often do you say that you are overwhelmed with all the tasks you need to do? Here are some simple steps you can take to help this situation.

The Quill ‘Day Planner’ journal, has these principles printed at the bottom of every page:

The Six Principles of Time Management
  1. Create a daily list of tasks
  2. Give each task a priority A, B, C
  3. Ensure that you work on the ‘A’ tasks first
  4. Handle each piece of paper on your desk only once
  5. Ensure that you make the best use of your time
  6. Don’t postpone anything – Do it now!

Now reread number “4”. Imagine if you actually handled each piece of paper on your desk ONLY ONCE!!!! This simple step can up-skill your organisation tremendously.

Surround yourself with tools that can support you. A checklist, a diary, a notice board, and a clear calendar are all very effective when used.

Discipline yourself with the above daily habits and you will decrease the amount of overwhelm you experience.  Jim Rohn said, “for every disciplined effort there is a multiple reward.” 

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